With each new year, there are new plans on what we can do differently to best adapt to the changes in the healthcare industry, particularly diagnostic imaging. As we dive into 2024, let's take a quick look back at 2023 and celebrate some of the milestones for Captive Radiology.

7 Partnerships and Counting
"2023 has been an incredible year of progress for Captive Radiology, especially in the PSMA PET/CT space," President Dave Kelly stated. "This past year, we have grown to include seven new partnerships, four of which are actively scanning patients and the other three on track to begin scanning in the next 90 days." These seven partnerships include Virginia Urology, Central Ohio Urology Group, Associated Medical Professionals, Urology of Virginia, Urology of Indiana, Urology Austin, and The Conrad Pearson Clinic.
A 20-Year Celebration
"Proudly, we celebrated 20 years in the diagnostic imaging industry. Our growth in MRI and PET/CT is exciting," Kelly stated. Since 2003, Captive has had over 70 employees, 33 partners, over 50 contracts, and a 90% contract renewal rate. As our team grows and partnerships increase, we see Captive's impact on our partnerships and the communities they serve.
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the U.S., especially for those over age 50. As we enter 2024, we look forward to providing PET/CT services and continued support to Urology practices across the United States.
Happy New Year
"I am looking forward to seeing Captive's next level of growth and, most importantly, our continued impact on improving patients' lives," Kelly concludes. "Thank you to our customers and patients for your continued trust. Happy New Year!"